Tuesday, June 30

Expat Knowledge Sharing - Month 4


Life in Florence became significantly more pleasant and simple as soon as my butt hit the seat of my bike.  No more long walks to get places, no more trying to figure out buses and trains.  Just me and a little peddling.  Given, there are a few downsides (occasionally arriving places with a sweaty back, having to take the time to lock and unlock the bike) but it's 100% worth it.  

The city is unbelievably easy to navigate on a bike.  No helmets required and I can see why.  There is this unspoken level of respect for individuals on bikes.  Significantly more so than one who is driving or walking.  People slow, wait, get out of the way and respect your space.  All the common courtesy missing in other elements of the Florentine's behavior is made up for in the treatment of bikers!

A few words of wisdom:  
1) If you don't own one already, buy the cheapest possible bike you can find.  The streets are flat & you don't need fancy.
2) If you already own a bike, buy the nicest more convenient bike lock you can find.
3) Buy a basket.  You will end up using your bike for small trips to lug large things- i.e. shopping bags.
4) You don't need to follow the one way street rules, but be conscious of your space!
5) You can take your bike on the train, just stay in the entry & exit cabins between cars, and take the 1st car.

Esselunga Delivers!

One of the main grocery store chains here will deliver your groceries for a nominal fee.  Given the lack of parking space and inconvenience of the grocery stores, this is a spectacular deal and a WONDERFUL time saver.  They are cheap, prompt and who knew it was so easy to grocery shop online!!

Italian Language Class

There are a plethora of Italian language classes to choose from in Florence.  Choosing the right class is difficult, and important.  You want a class that challenges you, but doesn't consume all of your time.  A class that doesn't exceed 2-3 hours a day (my opinion of the average mind's language capacity for a day - in a classroom, that is) that also allows for time to get out and practice.  A class that also helps to form community so you're meeting new people and engaged in conversation.  A class with professors and classmates who care.  I found a school offering classes that meets all of these criteria.  

The school: Gorgio La Pira ( Centro Internazionale Studenti)


Again, with so many to choose from, where do you start and where do you go when you need to be GUARANTEED creamy, sweet deliciousness?!
In the city center:  
No crazy/fancy flavors, just basic ingredients, small but decadent portions and all natural spectacular flavor. 
Outside the city center: 
There is no better Gelato in the city of Florence.  This I guarantee.  You will not be disappointed.  


Free food with your "Happy Hour"?!  What a brilliant Florentine Tradition!  You pay a little more than the average price for your drink, and the bar will also include a free buffet bar so you don't have to leave to get dinner.  The food is light, but often delicious.  Here are a few top recommendations (click on the name to get to the website):

Good Luck!