Thursday, June 18

Monaco - Extravagance on Steroids

Last weekend Mike and I took a little three day trip to Monte Carlo, Monaco.  We wanted to get out of the country, see a new place and have a completely new experience (oh and get a little sun and sea time while we were at it).  We accomplished all three.  Although I can see it's allure, Monaco is most definitely not my cup of tea.  

The location is spectacular: set directly on the water with high jetting mountains towering right up above it.  The mountains capture the clouds leaving Monaco flushed with sunshine ~90% of the time.  The city is built in to the low lying cliffs at the base of this mountain that lead in to the Mediterranean.  It's as if there shouldn't be a city there at all because of the rugged setting.  But there it is- and it's hard to miss.  

Giant yachts decorate it's coast line each one larger and more grandiose then the last.  Every third car is a Mazarati, Lamberghini or Ferrari.  Ritzy hotels sparkle and suits are recommended at it's Casino.  You can't find a meal for less than 12 Euro- that gets you a McDonalad's Happy meal.  As Mike stated this weekend, it's where the rich come to not feel so guilty about being rich.   

I had a hard time with it all.  Why do you need THAT much?  Why does a person need to have 500K Euro machine to tote them around?  Or to spend 5 million on a yacht that is their 5th home?  Why not do something with the money that would more helpful and worthwhile?  I understand wanting nice things, delicious tastes and living in extravagance- but this much extravagance?  Too much.  Much too much.  I was turned off by it all.  I was the anti-tourist.  I wasn't inspired to explore...

Now all this being said, there were two wonderful parts:
1) The people:  despite the $$$, they were open, friendly, unpretentious and it was some of the best customer service I've ever received.  

2) The food.  Although expensive, it was DELICIOUS.  I'm including two mini- restaurant reviews below.  

All in all, go to see it- but DRIVE THROUGH it on the way to Nice or Provence from Italy.  Don't stay more than one night.  Check out the Casino, the castle, beautiful Yachts, fancy cars, have a meal or two and then be on your merry way. 

(Disclaimer: We meant to check out the Aquarium, which is supposed to be really good, but we never got there... it may be worth checking out)

Restaurant Reviews:

Miami Plage
promenade du Lavotto
MC 9800 Monaco

Type: Contemporary Eclectic
Food: B+
Beautiful presentation, fresh as fresh can be, nice mixture of land and sea options.  
Service: A-
Quick, friendly, accommodating and very casual.
Ambiance: A-
Who knew you could make a beach front setting so very comfortable!
Booze: B
Mike's Mojito was delicious.  My rose as recommended by the wait staff-  very fruity and flat.  The drinks (including wine selection) was overpriced (what a surprise!)

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