Monday, June 8

Wine - Cinque Terre

As you hike through the five small villages of Cinque Terre you may notice, on the steep sloping hillsides, lush green vines budding with potential grapes!  "What vineyards do these belong to and where can I find this wine?", you may ask yourself.

As opposed to single vineyard owning these vines, the towns and regions have "Azienda Agricola" (basically farms) that cultivate grapes and then sell them for wine production.  

Last night we found a spectacular white from one of these "Azienda Agricola".  If you're able to get your paws on one of the 4,500 bottles of white produced in 2008, do it.  

Cheo, Cinque Terre - 2008
Vernazza - Italia
Medium bodied.  Robust floral with hints of honey and basil.  Excellent with shell fish and Calamari.  

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