Thursday, June 18

Monaco - Extravagance on Steroids

Last weekend Mike and I took a little three day trip to Monte Carlo, Monaco.  We wanted to get out of the country, see a new place and have a completely new experience (oh and get a little sun and sea time while we were at it).  We accomplished all three.  Although I can see it's allure, Monaco is most definitely not my cup of tea.  

The location is spectacular: set directly on the water with high jetting mountains towering right up above it.  The mountains capture the clouds leaving Monaco flushed with sunshine ~90% of the time.  The city is built in to the low lying cliffs at the base of this mountain that lead in to the Mediterranean.  It's as if there shouldn't be a city there at all because of the rugged setting.  But there it is- and it's hard to miss.  

Giant yachts decorate it's coast line each one larger and more grandiose then the last.  Every third car is a Mazarati, Lamberghini or Ferrari.  Ritzy hotels sparkle and suits are recommended at it's Casino.  You can't find a meal for less than 12 Euro- that gets you a McDonalad's Happy meal.  As Mike stated this weekend, it's where the rich come to not feel so guilty about being rich.   

I had a hard time with it all.  Why do you need THAT much?  Why does a person need to have 500K Euro machine to tote them around?  Or to spend 5 million on a yacht that is their 5th home?  Why not do something with the money that would more helpful and worthwhile?  I understand wanting nice things, delicious tastes and living in extravagance- but this much extravagance?  Too much.  Much too much.  I was turned off by it all.  I was the anti-tourist.  I wasn't inspired to explore...

Now all this being said, there were two wonderful parts:
1) The people:  despite the $$$, they were open, friendly, unpretentious and it was some of the best customer service I've ever received.  

2) The food.  Although expensive, it was DELICIOUS.  I'm including two mini- restaurant reviews below.  

All in all, go to see it- but DRIVE THROUGH it on the way to Nice or Provence from Italy.  Don't stay more than one night.  Check out the Casino, the castle, beautiful Yachts, fancy cars, have a meal or two and then be on your merry way. 

(Disclaimer: We meant to check out the Aquarium, which is supposed to be really good, but we never got there... it may be worth checking out)

Restaurant Reviews:

Miami Plage
promenade du Lavotto
MC 9800 Monaco

Type: Contemporary Eclectic
Food: B+
Beautiful presentation, fresh as fresh can be, nice mixture of land and sea options.  
Service: A-
Quick, friendly, accommodating and very casual.
Ambiance: A-
Who knew you could make a beach front setting so very comfortable!
Booze: B
Mike's Mojito was delicious.  My rose as recommended by the wait staff-  very fruity and flat.  The drinks (including wine selection) was overpriced (what a surprise!)


A "go-to"granola recipe.  Easy, quick and can be fiddled with to make it exactly perfect for you.  Feel free to play with the nuts, spices and dry fruit additions.  Adding different seeds and grains is also an option!  But here is the base.  Delicious, I promise:  

Preheat the oven to 250 degrees & place rack on a middle shelf.

Mix  together Dry Ingredients in a large bowl….

  • 4 cups old fashioned oats
  • 1/2 cup shredded coconut (sweetened or unsweetened)
  • 1 cup nuts, chopped (I like a mixture of almonds, cashews, and sunflower seeds)

Melt together in small saucepan until just combined ….

  • 2 teaspoon cinnamon 
  • 1/2  tsp nutmeg
  • 1 TBS salt
  • ¼ cup each: butter, olive oil, honey, maple suyup & brown sugar
  • 1 TBS vanilla extract

Add wet ingredients to dry and stir until all dry ingredients are coated.  Spread evenly on to a nonstick cookie sheet & bake for 30 minutes or until just browned.

Cool completely.  Break apart and add one-cup dried fruit of your choice (figs, dates, mango, raisens, crasins, apples…). 
