Monday, June 8

Light Coconut Pancakes (GF)

These tasty little cakes are extremely light, fluffy and deliciously tropical.  It's like biting in to a fluffy (yet rich) little tropical cloud.  

14 oz coconut milk (use "light" for lower fat recipe)
2-4 Tbs Sugar (more if you use non-sweetened coconut)
1/4 cup flour (gluten free optional)
3 cup grated coconut
3 Tbs lemon juice & 1 Tbs lemon rind
1 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
3 eggs
  1. In a small sauce pan, bring coconut milk & sugar to barely a boil
  2. In a large bowl, combine flour, coconut, salt, baking powder and lemon
  3. Stir in coconut milk
  4. lightly whisk the eggs and add to mixture
  5. Stir until all is combined
Makes lovely little silver dollar pancakes for 4-6 people

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